Spurðann was born November 9th 2004, Selfoss Iceland
He is one of six puppies.
He came to us to Ohio in January 2005
He came to us to Ohio in January 2005
Spurðann is a sweet little guy a afraid of nothing. When we first introduced him to the other dogs, he growled at them, he was already trying to establishing dominance! He is very energetic and loves to play all the time. He gets along good with the other dogs, but Snotra and Nella are his favorite, where ever they are, Spurðann sure is to be there too. He is such a character full of fun and personality. He is very typical for the breed, can jump and climb just about anything he always sits on the highest point to look out, if it is in the house or outside. He is very alert and high energy for play, walks, run or work, but calm when in the house resting. He always has a happy smile.
We sure love this little guy very much.
We sure love this little guy very much.

Spurðann came to live with us in January 2005.
Jeff and Kristinn went to Frederick Maryland to pick him up from a wonderful lady Álfhildur who was gracious enough to get him from the airport in Baltimore and keep him overnight.
Jeff and Kristinn went to Frederick Maryland to pick him up from a wonderful lady Álfhildur who was gracious enough to get him from the airport in Baltimore and keep him overnight.

Spurðann is happy, smart, funny and such a good boy that always makes us laugh.
He loves playing in the heat of a summer day, or out in the snow on the coldest winter day, although snow is his favorite playground.
He loves playing in the heat of a summer day, or out in the snow on the coldest winter day, although snow is his favorite playground.
He is very much like his father Kátur. When inside he will sit on the windowsill and keep a watch what is going on with the world outside.
He is a great daddy, he loved playing with the puppies when he had them here, and he loves his little Nella and plays with her all the time.
He is just the sweetest little guy and we are so happy to have him in our family.

"[Spurdann] is beautiful and fits the standard to a T."
-Pat Hastings-
-Pat Hastings-
AISC Icelandic Sheepdog Show, August 2007
Best of Breed, Kersins Spurðann.
Best of Breed, Kersins Spurðann.
"Underneath all that fur, there is a very well put together dog"
-Judge Karin Ashe-
-Judge Karin Ashe-
At the fist ISAA National 2009
From the judges report, Guðrún R. Guðjohnsen said this about Spurðann
Coat long light fawn with cream chest, beautiful head and expression. Dark brown beautiful eyes. Ears correct little far apart. Chest good, front angulation good, back angulation good, top line level and strong, tail correct when he runs. Movement correct, heavy feet.
From the judges report, Guðrún R. Guðjohnsen said this about Spurðann
Coat long light fawn with cream chest, beautiful head and expression. Dark brown beautiful eyes. Ears correct little far apart. Chest good, front angulation good, back angulation good, top line level and strong, tail correct when he runs. Movement correct, heavy feet.
Spurðann was UKC Top Ten Icelandic Sheepdog in 2009
Spurðann was UKC Top Ten Icelandic Sheepdog in 2009
Spurðann was listed as an AKC top 25 dogs as of 7/24/10
Spurðann was listed as an AKC top 25 dogs as of 7/24/10
Spurðann was qualified and invited to the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship,
Long Beach, California 2010
Spurðann was qualified and invited to the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship,
Long Beach, California 2010
Registration Numbers and Pedigree:
UKC P537-984
CKC 1099898
PennHIP: L-0.63 R-0.63
CERF: IS-203
06,07,08,09,10 Normal
Latest CERF 20 Dec. 2012 Normal
UKC P537-984
CKC 1099898
PennHIP: L-0.63 R-0.63
CERF: IS-203
06,07,08,09,10 Normal
Latest CERF 20 Dec. 2012 Normal

Spurðann has both a FCI and an AKC Pedigree.
He participates in the CHIC
(Canine Health Information Center) program.
(Canine Health Information Center) program.
He has double dew claws on both hind legs and single dew claws up front.
Spurðann is retired from breeding.